Monday, July 2, 2012

On Cooking and Ingredients

Cooking for some people is a scary thing, but for others, it just seems to come natural.  Here are some tips for cooking that may help if you are one of the people with cooking anxiety:
1) Cook when you are slightly hungry-your palate works better when you are hungry, your sense of taste and smell are heigthened, so you can taste things as you go along and adjust spices if necessary.
2) Recipes should be guides-If you are making a recipe that uses spring season ingredients in the fall, the flavor of the ingredients won't be at it's peak, so you may need to adjust seasonings to your liking.
3) Take a deep breath, relax, and be happy in the kitchen.  Play your favorite music if that helps.
4) Plan ahead-washing produce and cooking from scratch takes longer than using convenience foods.  If you know you are going to be busy all week, take half the day on Sunday and spend it making 2-3 recipes to give you a head start for the week.  That may help to eliminate some stress later in the week that causes you to hit the fast food drive through.

On Ingredients
1) Buy organic when possible.  Organic produce tastes better, bottom line.  Also, organic produce is better for future generations-less toxic chemicals are put into the soil, and organic products are grown with future soil health in mind.  And, who wants to eat chemicals that are made to kill bugs and weeds anyways?   If you can't buy everything organic, here is a list of produce items with the most and least amount of pesticides used:  The EWG is a great resource for issues regarding the enviroment and our health, check it out:)
2) Cook seasonally.  When produce is in season, it tastes better, and is cheaper.  The recipes on this blog are labled by season-Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter. 

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