Monday, July 30, 2012

DVDs, Books, and Websites I Recommend

I've done alot of reading over the years and have come to the conclusion that a plant foods diet is the best for our health and for the earth.  The following are some of my favorite resources that I like to refer people to.  Most of the books and DVDs should be available at your local library or I've provided links to the author's pages for all of them.  When I remember more or find good new ones, I'll add them to this post.  Hope this is helpful!

I just found this and watched the trailer but haven't seen it yet, but it looks great: Planeat
Genetic Roulette
Forks Over Knives
Food Inc
Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead
Food Matters and Hungry for Change
Dirt! The Movie
Supersize Me

Websites on Health:
Get a kick start on your health:
Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine
Harvard School of Public Health
Red Meat and Cancer

I became vegetarian after reading the following books by John Robbins-yes Robbins as in Baskin/Robbins Ice Cream:) -The Food Revolution and Diet for a New America
The China Study
Eat Drink and Be Healthy
Eating Animals 
The Kind Diet
Quantum Wellness and Veganist

Doctors who write about using plant foods to prevent and reverse disease: 
Dean Ornish
Neal Barnard
Andrew Weil
T. Colin Campbell
Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. 
Joel Fuhrman
Did you know Bill Clinton went vegan because of his heart disease? He looks to Dean Ornish and Caldwell B Esselstyn for advice.

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